Find threats and vulnerabilities in your environment and address them
Hybrid Cloud Security Assessment
Work highlights

Prioritise and mitigate potential threats to your servers and services.
Understand what can be done to reduce the attack surface area for hybrid workloads.
Real-time threat/vulnerability analysis based on your environment.
Have defined next steps based on your needs and objectives
Baseline your Cybersecurity posture for Cloud Workloads.
Companies is adopting cloud-enabled operating and business models that drive bottom-and top-line growth. With cloud comes security risk and companies are not prepared for the new cyber risks that come with the connected, data-driven future enterprise. All that sensitive data, connectivity and automation increase more exposure to cyber attack. And, because digital systems are so embedded in daily operations, the potential damage from even a single security incident is magnified. To safeguard from cyber attacks, companies need to infuse security into everything they do.
Find threats and vulnerabilities in your environment.
Whether it is in the beginning of the cloud journey or an organisation seeking to improve your cloud operations while addressing complex cloud security concerns, Accelacloud Services explore Azure Network Security capabilities, creating adoption intent and address security across your security posture.

Analyse your requirements

Define scope & deploy

Explore Azure Security capabilities

Discover threats, determine response

Discover workloads vulnerabilities

Recommend next steps
What to expect
During this workshop, we’ll partner with you to strengthen your organisation’s approach to cybersecurity. We’ll help you better understand how to prioritise and mitigate potential attacks with:
- Better understanding the benefits and capabilities of Azure Defender and Azure Network Security
- Better understanding how to prioritize and mitigate potential threats to your servers and services
- Better understanding of what can be done to reduce the attack surface area for hybrid workloads
- Have defined next steps based on your needs and objectives
- Actionable recommendations to help immediately mitigate the identified threats