Discover risks from dark data and learn how to address them

Data Risk Check

Work highlights

Understand the hidden compliance risks of dark data

Assess your organisation’s dark  data risks with Data Risk Check

Assess your environment against the Data Protection Baseline

Receive an analysis and report on findings and associated risks

Learn about tools and services that can mitigate risks

Explore recommendations and next steps


of corporate data is “dark” – it’s not classified,
protected or governed.*

Not long ago, managing data just meant dealing with documents and emails. Pervasive digital technology and the rapid shift to remote work have greatly expanded the information universe. Much of that data becomes stale or unused immediately after creation and contains information that could impose a compliance risk.

Address compliance risks head on

Protecting information—wherever it goes—is critical to ensuring trust and meeting compliance requirements. But first, you need to know what data you have, where it is, how it’s being used, and compliance risks that may exist.

Compliance Workshop: Data Risk Management gives you the insights you need to better discover, protect, and govern your corporate data.

As your business-critical data expands and your workforce shifts to remote work, having an integrated approach to compliance is more important than ever.

By attending this workshop, our experts will work with you to:

Document your  compliance objectives and strategy including compliant Teams  deployment and use

Show how to understand, mitigate and protect against potential compliance risks from dark data

Demonstrate ways to accelerate your compliance journey with the latest Microsoft technologies

Provide actionable next steps based on your needs and objectives

Data Risk Check uncovers data that can cause a compliance risk

Data Risk Check is the core activity of the Compliance Workshop Data Risk Management. The activity is spread out over several weeks to allow time to run on top of your cloud infrastructure and surface compliance risks in organizational data. Data Risk Check leverages automated Microsoft 365 tools and services to discover data stored in the Microsoft Cloud and identify potential problem areas.

The automated discovery process will analyze your existing data for:

  • Sensitive information and intellectual property
  • Unused or “stale” data
  • Riskful or suspicious activities

*IBM. Future of Cognitive Computing. November 2015

Data Disk

Data Protection
Baseline Assessment



Threat Results

What to expect

By the end of this workshop, experts in Microsoft compliance will provide you with a:

  • Data Risk Check report that includes findings and insights from the automated discovery process
  • A list of recommendations and actionable next steps that will help mitigate the identified compliance risks
  • Detailed assessment of your strategic objectives, influences, and priorities for compliance
  • Clear look into Microsoft’s approach to compliance and how it relates to your organisation
  • Data Protection Baseline assessment report with suggestions and top key improvement actions.
  • Set of long-term recommendations on your compliance strategy, with key initiatives and tactical next step